

Pirates of the Revolution BLOODY JEWEL # 008 - Pirate Ship
Pirates of the Revolution TIGER # 009 - Pirates
Pirates of the Revolution CORAL # 012 - Pirates
Pirates of the Revolution PHILLIPE LAFFITE # 021 - Pirate Crew
Pirates of the Revolution HMS LORD CAULDWELL # 030
Pirates of the Revolution WOODES ROGERS # 034 - English
Pirates of the Revolution SIR WATKINS DEFOE # 036 - English
Pirates of the Revolution FIREPOT SPECIALIST # 039 - English
Pirates of the Revolution LA CAZADORA # 041 - Spanish
Pirates of the Revolution FIREPOT SPECIALIST # 046 - Spanish
Pirates of the Revolution LE COURAGEUX # 051
Pirates of the Revolution LE PIQUE # 058
Pirates of the Revolution PHILLIPE AMQUI # 061 - French
Pirates of the Revolution FIREPOT SPECIALIST # 066
Pirates of the Revolution KIKOWA # 092 - American
Pirates of the Revolution FIREPOT SPECIALIST # 102 - American
Pirates of the Revolution NATIVES # 106 - Unique Treasure
Pirates of the Revolution CASTAWAY # 108 - Unique Treasure
Pirates of the Revolution CAPTAIN # 113 - English Crew
Pirates of the Revolution CAPTAIN # 114 - Spainish
Pirates of the Revolution HELMSMAN # 116 - Pirate Crew
Pirates of the Revolution HELMAMAN # 118 - Spainish
Pirates of the Revolution SHIPWRIGHT # 120 - Pirates
Pirates of the Revolution CANNONEER # 123 - English
Pirates of the Revolution CANNONEER # 125 - French
Pirates of the Revolution EXPLORER # 127 - English Crew
Pirates of the Revolution CAPTAIN # 132 - American Crew
Pirates of the Revolution CANNONEER # 134 - American
Pirates of the Revolution EXPLORER # 136 - American
Pirates of the Revolution CHAINSHOT SPECIALIST # 139 - American
Pirates of the Revolution STINKPOT SPECIALIST # 140 - American